FORCED TO LIVE, by Settle For Nothing (2024)

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by Settle For Nothing

FORCED TO LIVE, by Settle For Nothing (2)

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alexey//tatarov The hardest, most well constructed and deliberate hardcore release of 2018. Each song is definitively perfect. Settle for Nothing is an absolute powerhouse. Already legends in my book. Favorite track: SHATTERED DECEIT.

Highland Connor

Highland Connor Absolute fire, the boys have done it again

Matt Medeiros Paquito vnap J F bgcmd667 detroitistkrieg lilyeettheprodigy Beyond Four Walls Fanzine turduckindonuts zwarrior maddie.t99 josh_542 Evan Williams Joseph Britton TimboSlice shockwavemilitia Brandon Leja reskis Halen Ery Sanchez elgehoozer7 Divine Doom Low Blow™ k.m. charles connors Wayne Niemiec Randy Lisbon savadje Rory Kellett Brian Hensch Felix Holzberg Michael Jubas steele079 derekpt2006 Steve Johnson xjshawx Luis Fuentes rogierdw96 Simon Desilets Mike Schutte Jason rook David Orlove luc13 Gabriel Szalay Eric Soros Jacob Morris thomas_frenchie


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  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Our second 4 track EP -FORCED TO LIVE- CD in a Shrink Wrap Eco Jacket.

    Includes unlimited streaming of FORCED TO LIVE via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.

    ships out within 2 days

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nothing changed.abandoned.apathy.all i'm handed.disrespect. towards my name.self respect.all to gain.




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forced tocontinue on.all while recognition for what's showing.all this time wasted bya piece can't migrate.continue tomove on.comfort to frustrate.this resentment absorbs and depletes. done to myself. i keep pushing - never enough.i keep trying - never i know.that i smash through deceit.counting each day.cant keep hiding hard truth.




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waiting.for a time to come.left escape from.this can iavoid this. let this go.complications rooted.something i cant can one spent in regret.allurement. has prevailed.leaving me defeated.showing the failure i am.forced to i'm left with.this.self doubt encompassing me.




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looking for just one reasonan attempt to care. avoid the problem at handpretend to be unaware. you can't take back what was chosen.a crossed pathnow broken. subsequent to thisdespair persues. one instance left a mind broken and skewed. hard to depend with only yourself to offer. nothing to givenothing to gain. make sense to me.tell me what i need. say it with no understandingof how i see.


released November 26, 2018

Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by Shane Mayer at Cerebral Audio Productions. Artwork by Shade.


all rights reserved



metal beatdown hardcore pittsburgh punk hardcore Pittsburgh


Settle For Nothing Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Cheddar - Vocals

Shiring- Guitar

Nick - Bass

Devin - Drums

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    Nov 2018

  • The Gift Of Time

    Oct 2016

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What is a quote about not wanting to settle down? ›

Don't Settle for Less Than You Deserve

If you're good to the world, you deserve the world. Don't settle for less than your biggest dream. Put your all into every moment. That way, success or failure, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your best shot.

Why should you never settle for less in a relationship? ›

According to Dr. Saladino, settling for less means something a little different to everyone—but at the core, it typically results in feelings of relationship disappointment or a lack of fulfillment. "Does this mean the person isn't everything you wanted or do your friends tell you that you can do better?" she poses.

What does refusing to settle for less mean? ›

Concisely we can say that , Never settle for less means always strive to get more out of everything you are paying for, or investing into. Means to always grab the best option or opportunity .

Is it ok to not want to settle? ›

It's perfectly reasonable for someone to be content and independent, to not to want to “settle down”, as you put it. Remember that only you are in control of your life – of course you don't “have” to get married, or have kids, or live in a two-up two-down in Billericay, or whatever it is that makes you shudder.

What does don't settle for anything less than you deserve mean? ›

It means that if someone or something does not meet your expectations, it's okay to reject it instead of accepting it just because it's available. The phrase also implies that if an option is available but doesn't meet your needs or standards, other options may be better suited to your needs.

What is it called when you can't settle down? ›

Agitation is a feeling of severe restlessness, crankiness, or uneasiness. When it happens, you may feel mentally distressed. Physically, you may feel like you can't sit still, so you may pace or wring your hands.

How do you not settle for less than you deserve? ›

How to Stop Settling for Less in Relationships, Work, and Life
  1. Be Brutally Honest About Your Circ*mstances.
  2. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.
  3. Realize That You're Just as Capable as Anyone Else.
  4. Nourish Your Body and Create Better Habits.
  5. Ask for Help.
Feb 28, 2023

What is the bare minimum in a relationship? ›

When someone gives the bare minimum in a relationship, it means that they are putting in the least amount of effort or investment required to maintain the relationship. They may not actively contribute to the emotional or practical aspects of the relationship, and their actions may lack enthusiasm or genuine care.

Why do some guys never want to settle down? ›

It might be that some men want to focus on their purpose in life for now and maybe it is just not the right time to be in a relationship for him. Sometimes men don't have the pressure to settle done like women do.

How many relationships do people have before settling down? ›

In a survey with more than 2,000 participants in relationships, the company found that, on average, people go through 3.7 partners before finding their true love.

What is a word for someone who doesn't settle? ›

Synonyms: unsure, indeterminate. not adjusted, closed, or disposed of, as an account, estate, or law case. liable to change; inconstant; variable: unsettled weather. Synonyms: irresolute, fickle, vacillating.

What does it takes strength to not settle for less mean? ›

Never settle for less means fostering your personal growth. It's easy to get complacent in life. Fear keeps us “safe” within our comfort zones, but comfort zones are meant to keep us in the same place and if we never step beyond them, we cannot experience any growth.

Should you ever settle for less? ›

Don't settle for less in your career. Never settle for less in your friendships, your parenting and your personal growth. Too many people settle for a job they don't love, don't work toward becoming free of financial fear or give up on goals they set for themselves, like exercising more or mastering a new skill.

What is the best age to settle in life? ›

As young adults enter the culminating phase of early adulthood (ages 33–45), they enter the settling down (ages 33–40) stage. By this time, their careers (at least the first one) has been established and a spouse found.

Why you should never settle for less in a relationship? ›

You should be with someone who treats you well, who makes you feel good about yourself, and who makes you feel loved and special. Do not settle for anything less. You deserve to be happy, and being in a love relationship is one of the most wonderful ways to achieve that happiness.

At what age do most people want to settle down? ›

Settling down means to stay where you are or find a place where you can be for many years if not the rest of your life. From most people's perspective, that entails, To get job, a car, a place, a family. Depending on where you live, expectations are to settle down between the age of 26 to 36 years.

What does settle for nothing less mean? ›

to accept or agree to something, or to decide to have something, although it is not exactly what you want or it is not the best: They were hoping to sell their car for £2,000, but settled for £1,500. He wants a full refund and he won't settle for anything less.

How do I know if I'm settling for less? ›

When you bargain with yourself about what you can do without rather than feeling gratitude for what you already have, you're probably settling. When your focus is on the time and energy you've invested in an endeavor rather than the love, joy and gratification you've gained, you're probably settling.

Why do people say don't settle? ›

When we think of settling, we may automatically envision an outcome that is less than what we might deserve or accepting a fate of wasted potential. No one wants to “settle” in a relationship or in a career that is unfulfilling.

What is the quote for not settling for less? ›

"Never settle for less than your dreams, somewhere, sometime, someday, somehow, you'll find them." 62. "There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."

What is a quote about not wanting to give up? ›

Have a winning mindset
  • “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” ―Vince Lombardi.
  • “Believe you can, and you're halfway there.” ―Theodore Roosevelt.
Apr 6, 2017

What is a quote about not settling for mediocrity? ›

If we have given everything we can, you are not settling for mediocrity because the better team won. Sometimes you have to have that mindset to be able to improve rather than keep telling yourself you should have won.

What does don't wanna settle mean? ›

It means the person saying this doesn't want you to get involved with anything less than you deserve. If it because you were with someone who was perceived to be less than what your standard requires. Someone thought you settled and they don't want you to do it again because you deserve more.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 6274

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.